You can now interact and communicate your content in facebook with "Press and Hold" posts.
This feature, exclusive to iPhone or iPad users, consists of displaying an image / cover with the phrase "Press & Hold" or "Press", and when you press, it reveals the surprise behind it! Surprise that could come in a form of a video, another image or a sequence of images.
How does it work:
1. Download the intoLive app
2. Open the app and select what you want to reveal, a video (till 30 sec. long), a GIF or photos (a max. of 30 photos).
3. Click in Create
4. Click the arrow on the upper right corner
5. Click in Edit the first frame to select your cover image where you are going to encoraje people to press.
6. Click on the icon "+" to select you cover.
7. If you don´t have an already customized image with the message "Press", you can select the text tool in the app to write your message.
8. Click in Sticker if you want to add an icon to indicate the spot where you want people to press.
9. Click in Finished.
10. Click in Save Live Photo.
11. Open the facebook app.
12. Click in Publish
13. Select the saved live photo and click the Live option so the reveal effect works correctly!
14. Publish and wait a couple minutes.
Share with us your experience!